Africa, how is your cyber hygiene?

Jan 31, 2018 by Ambassador Omar Arouna–Cyber hygiene is the establishment and maintenance of an individual’s daily routines, occasional checks and general behaviors required to maintain a user’s online “health” (security).

Cyber hygiene is linked to cyber security. Poor cyber hygiene will adversely affect an organization’s cyber security and, conversely, strong (or weak) cyber security policies and procedures may improve (or lower) an individual’s cyber hygiene.

A cyber resilient organization is one that has robust cyber security policies and systems, and whose members have good cyber hygiene. The absence of either (low organizational cyber security or poor personal cyber hygiene) will adversely affect an organization’s cyber resilience.

The US-Africa Cybersecurity Group LLC has partnered with a world class leader in cyber hygiene to offer Cyber Hygiene e-Learning Course to Africa-based corporations, organizations and governments.

Our concept is based on the notion that human risk behavior management in cyberspace is a continuous process in which trainees and instructors alike need to learn and adapt.

Our Cyber Hygiene e-Learning Course is an interactive, engaging and effective tool consisting of a training module and two separate test modules to address human risk behavior in cyberspace. Our Cyber Hygiene e-Learning Course targets three categories of staff members (managers, regular users and specialists) and addresses specific concerns and threats associated with each of these groups.

Our course can also serve as an effective risk-mapping tool because it collects feedback from the participants as they react to the issues they face. Based on these reactions, the tool is highlighting the risk areas of each participant.

The results can be further aggregated to teams and whole organizations. The goal of such analysis is to facilitate the implementation of security policies, decision-making and effective risk mitigation.

About the author: US-Africa Cybersecurity Group Verified icon 5
USAFCG works as an effective catalyst for the harmonization of cybersecurity policies in Africa.

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